Friday, August 18, 2017

Week of August 21

Quote of the Week:Image result for educational quotes for students

Hilsman is Eclipse Ready!!!
Good afternoon,

Thank you for another great week of school. I realize that the schedule changes caused some frustration but I do appreciate your willingness to remain positive. This week the schedules should be more stable and allow for you to truly begin teaching expectations as well as the curriculum. Remember to be firm, fair, and consistent. If you have not made a positive phone call to parents, please be sure to do so this week and log it into Campus. You all have received many compliments from parents regarding the positive school climate. Keep it up! A smile goes a long way!

A few reminders for the week:

Please come out to the Annual Title 1 and PTO meeting! The T stands for teacher! It would be great to have you present as we work with PTO to support our initiatives and students.

Your voice needs to be heard in the designing of the new building. Consider joining us Wednesday as we look at a few plans from the architect! 5:30 in the Media Center.

Remember that our workday begins promptly at 8:00. Be sure to arrive to work on time and sign in at the front desk. If you are running late, please text or email Ms. Tolbert and your team leader.

We have had several students go home sick with stomach and headaches. Be sure that you are taking care of yourself and washing your hands frequently to avoid getting sick. 

Your attendance is importance! When you miss school, the students miss out, and we all miss you! We have been in school for two weeks and have had a high number of teacher absences. You are the key to a child's academic success. If you must be out, it is understood. However, please make every effort to be present at work. 

Great job with transitions this week! Your presence in the halls is noticeable and is definitely impacting our students' behavior.

Remind students to be respectful in the cafeteria and to take care of our building. Both the custodians and cafeteria staff work hard to serve all of us. Let us be sure to be respectful and mindful of their work. They too play an important role at Hilsman. 

Keep up the great work! YOU are ALL working to move to higher grounds and I want to ensure you that it is noticed by your Administrators. Continue to lift each other up and hold everyone accountable for the work we do at Hilsman. It is not easy but an encouraging word from your peer feels good on a tough day. To the new teachers at Hilsman, hang in there! You got this!

Week at Glance - 

Monday - 21st
Staff may wear shorts (appropriate length, khaki/black) and a spirit shirt to work.

Click Link: Solar Eclipse Day at HMS

SILT Meeting following Dissmissal

Tuesday - 22nd
6th Grade - IB Learner Profile During ELT
SRI during ELA classes
RTI Meetings During Planning

Title I Meeting 6:00pm
PTO Meeting 6:30pm

Wednesday 23rd
Collab Planning
Emergency Sub plans Due
Committee Meetings 4pm -5pm
P-BEST!!  Meeting 4pm - 5pm
Building Committee - 5:30pm

Thursday 24th
Collab  Planning
SMI during Math classes
New Panther Cohort  4pm -5pm
Washinton DC Parent Meeting - 5:30

Friday 25th
Spirit Shirts

House Ceremony - Afternoon activity schedule

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