Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week of October 2nd

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Happy Sunday!

It is a beautiful day. I hope you get out to enjoy it at some point today. Last week was a busy and emotional one for many of our staff members.  Thank you for continued dedication to the work that we are doing at Hilsman. We are off to a new week with new adventures. By the end of the day Monday, please be sure that you have entered your goals into the platform. This is also another reminder to ensure that all of your pre-evaluation information is completed too. We will begin conferences Wednesday of this week. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your responsibilities as it relates to information needed in the platform, please see a member of the Admin Team.

Tuesday is FTE Count Day! It is imperative that you take attendance every period. This must be done in Campus or it will affect our funding for next year. This should also serve as a reminder that attendance is to be taken daily in your classes.

Conferences will be held next week. Remember our goal is to host student led conferences. Therefore, we need to train our students on how to read their data and explain it to their parents. This will be our first time engaging in this endeavor however it will get stronger as we continue the practice of including our students in their learning process.  The forms provided by Mrs. Moore during the first advisement are great resources for students to use to record their information to share with their parents. Conference letters will need to go out for EVERY team this Monday. Each team has elected to host their conferences differently. Please ensure that your parents and the office are aware of your process.  A copy of your conference schedules will need to be provided to the front office no later than this Thursday. All teachers are expected to stay until 4:00 on conference days. Our late night is Thursday, October 12th. You will be expected to be present until 7:45 pm. Please make the necessary arrangements to ensure that you are present. At this time, no decision has been made regarding your release time the following Friday. You are highly encouraged to host  all of your conferences before noon on Friday.

We are back to professional dress this week. It was great to see so many happy teachers in jeans! Remember no leggings, jeggings, or jean material this week except Friday! Lastly, I want to encourage you all to sign up to go to Stone Mountain early Saturday, October 7th. We want to go as a staff, climb the mountain as a team, and enjoy the sunrise together. Afterwards, we can enjoy breakfast together. Please consider attending. Your family members are welcomed to participate.

We will continue our practices of NO HALL PASSES except in the case of an emergency. Please be mindful that we have some students that we must allow bathroom passes at any time. We don't want accidents so use good judgement. Here is to a great week.


Congrats to Ms. Fassbender and Ms. Moore for being our teacher and staff member of the month! Y'all rock and we are beaming with Panther Pride! Thank you both for your hard work and commitment to Hilsman.

(SUNDAY, Oct. 1st) Happy birthday, Ms. Giannasi! 

ADVISEMENT - Morning Activity Schedule
4pm SILT
6:30pm Band Concert
Fundraiser packets are due to the front office


Wednesday:Uniform Day-Wear your Black and Gold
No Faculty Meeting

Thursday: Tolbert out AM-Principal's Meeting
Counselors out AM
WOW Session first planning
6:30 pm Chorus Concert

Friday: *First Quarter Grading Period Ends
Hogan at BOE in AM
7pm Band Rockathon

On your radar: 

10/9 - District PL Day at Central (more to come)

We are all excited for the professional learning that will take place on October 9
and October 30.  Dr. Means is pleased that we will participate in professional learning
together as a secondary team (on October 9 at Central High School) and
elementary team (October 30 at the Classic Center).

With that in mind, Here is an overview of the professional learning
that will take place for the secondary staff (October 9) and elementary staff
(October 30).

Staff members will receive a keynote presentation titled: Capture their
Hearts. The keynote is designed to engage educators in how to move young
people in a positive direction, by embracing their own initiative, persistence, and
self-discipline through the support and connections with the adults in their lives.
Built on life experiences and best educational practices, the presenter will use
storytelling to encourage adults to engage with young people and to inspire young
people to take charge of their own future.

There will be two breakout sessions following
the keynote address. The breakouts include:
Fostering a Growth Mindset for K-12
Student Success: This module explores the
difference between the fixed and the growth
mindset and the impact that mindsets can
have on performance and learning.
Participants will consider the concept of
growth mindset, how it may be affecting their
students learning, and how to take students,
and themselves, from a fixed to a growth
mindset. Participants will leave the session
with a lesson plan for teaching growth mindset
in their classroom.

10/11-10/13 - Parent Conferences -- Thursday is the late evening for the east side.
10/27 - fall holiday
10/30 - School PL Day (at HIL)

SILT Update


All school improvement plans have been updated to include a SMART GOAL Tree
for the focus areas of literacy, numeracy, and social emotional learning. In
addition, a copy of the SMART Goal presentation made by Dr. Means on the
September 19 training can be found here. Anne Conzemius is available via
email to answer questions if you wish to contact her. Anne’s email is

In order to complete the School Improvement Plan, your SILT teams should:

1. Complete the development of your SMART Goals (using the SMART GOAL
2. Finalize the action steps, artifacts, and professional learning needed to
address your SMART Goals and record them on the literacy/numeracy
focus area or the social emotional focus area.
3. If you wish to keep any of the action steps from the focus areas of
innovative instruction, creativity, or collaborative planning as part of your
school improvement plan, move them from their existing focus area page
and paste them on the Additional Activities page. Please remember that
since we are attempting to reduce the goals on which you will work, it is
optional to keep any of these action steps.

Message from PTO

Dear Hilsman Faculty,

The Hilsman PTO has selected PURE stainless steel cups, with an additional option of a sturdy, UGA-themed plastic cup/tumbler, for our fundraiser this year.  Our Goal is $8,000, which we will hit if 400 kids sell 1 item.  The fundraiser will run from Friday Oct 6 to Friday Oct 20, with delivery to students, at Hilsman, by Friday December 1, in time for the holidays!

Wed Oct 4: PTO will place packets - one envelope per kid - in home room teacher boxes

Fri Oct 6:  Teachers send packets home with students, and PTO will post on FB announcing that packets are coming home along with details of the fundraiser.

Mon - Fri Oct 16 to Oct 20:  Collection week - PTO will be at the front office in the morning. Please send a student up to the front office during homeroom with envelopes from your class. Also, there will be a lock box in the front office for envelopes - if students bring in envelopes, send them to the front desk, and Ms. Barnett can put them in the PTO lock box.

Top Sellers in each grade get a Rush Bag - Pass for winner and 7 friends to Rush and some Rush Swag.

Meet the Goal of $8,000 - Ms. Tolbert gets a Pie in the Face!  

Questions?  Email

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