Saturday, February 10, 2018

Week of February 12th

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Happy Saturday!

Thank you for your work this week. It was indeed a busy one but much better overall. I want to reiterate the direction we are heading in for the next 6 weeks. As a building, we will focus more on ensuring that we are teaching the standards, monitoring the data, and adjusting instruction for reteaching in an effort to help students master the standards. I.C.E. (Introduce/Cite/Explain) is the instructional strategy that should be used across contents in every grade level. Posters should be visible in your classrooms. As we are observing informally and formally, be sure that you are explicitly using this strategy and your students have a clear understanding of its purpose for your class. If there is a need for a PL refresher, please see our IC.

As a reminder, students need to be supervised at all times. It is imperative that as adults we remain consistent with our practices. Do NOT release students the first and last fifteen minutes of class unless it is an emergency. Otherwise students should remain in class. This does not mean to begin releasing students when the time is permissible.We have had a lot of unnecessary movement in the halls. This results in an increase of inappropriate behaviors. In a like manner, remain vigilant in your classrooms. Take some time to talk to your students, hear what is happening around you so that you know what is going on. It is eye-opening to hear what is really going on when your back is turned whether it is positive or negative. This is a long way to say, focus on your relationships with your students.

Just a reminder to remain professional at all times. I read a story that reminded me of the importance of water! A bottle of water despite the turmoil it may endure remains constant. It does not explode if it is shaken or dropped. However a carbonated drink if dropped or shaken, EXPLODES! WE can not become carbonated drinks but we can be a bottle of water, CONSTANT and CALM! Besides, water is good for the soul! Pour your water into each other and into our students. Here is to a great week at Hilsman!

Principal Tolbert (lol)

From Your IC: 
All content teachers have USA TestPrep accounts set up at this time. Connections, you're next! Please share this presentation with students on Monday throughout your content classes to ensure they are all set up and ready to go.  Let Hogan know via email if students are unable to login.

GREAT NEWS! Monday, February 19th has been designated a true teacher work day by the superintendent! This means you can collaboratively plan, assess student work, put in grades, clean off your desk, freshen up your classrooms, etc. without us bugging you!!!! YAY!

Literacy & SEL: 
Windows Mirrors and Sliding Doors

Bridge the Gap

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From AP Forker:Thank you, teachers, for your dedication to our students.  We have the best teachers at Hilsman!
During transitions, please be sure that you are present at your posts actively encouraging students to adhere to expected behaviors. 

Also, please remind students that string bags are not to be worn throughout the building.  If a student does not adhere to your expectations, please request support from your team leader or an administrator.

Mr. Forker has begun putting pink copies of referrals in team leaders boxes after the referral has been processed. This will provide you with details about the consequences issued for infractions and discipline issues.   If you have any questions, please let Mr. Forker know.

Lastly, our largest disciplinary issue at Hilsman is student incivility. This includes disrespect, use of profanity, and insubordination. As you engage with your students, please be sure to explicitly teach expectations for communicating and interacting. As indicated in Standard 10 of our Common Commitments, we must continuously work to forge relationships and connections with our students.

From Ms. Hughes: 
Earth Day T-Shirt orders are due on February 15.

From Ms. Marty: 
IB Academies start Monday. We will work on a morning activity schedule. Students will have passes identifying their academy that you will give out at the end of ELT on Monday. Teachers will have rosters by Monday. There is no option for students to change, so ensure they get to where they need to go. Please do not send them to discuss changes. Admin will be in the hallway making sure students get to where they need to be. There will be signs specifying the traffic pattern. We will call 6th grade first, 8th grade second, and 7th grade third. Please be in the hallway to help direct traffic and ensure safety. Students will take all of their belongings with them as we will transition to 3rd period from IB Academies.

From World Language Department:
Mardi Gras celebration for Hilsman family
Tuesday, February 13th 
6pm-7:30pm. Bring a dish to share!

From Mr. Hussain: 
I will be buying pizza for everyone who plans after school on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. This includes student teachers. He will be available to co-plan during this time (and can co-teach during a class if you're interested). Stop by his classroom (room 205) after school to check it out next Tuesday!

From Ms. Hubbard: 
The 2017-2018 Hilsman Middle School Yearbooks are still on sale for $22 through February 28th. As of March 1st, the price will be $24.00. You may pay online at using Yearbook ID Code: 13140018. 

Students may also order yearbooks by paying with a check. Please make checks payable to Hilsman Middle School for $22 through Feb. 28th or $24 as of March 1st. Payments by check should be given to Ms. Maxey.

Monday: Happy birthday, Ms. Maddox!
IB Academies ***Morning Activity Schedule***
11am - Instructional Leaders Meeting

Tuesday: Happy birthday, Ms. Jernigan!
9:30am - Severe weather drill 
RTI Meetings
4:15pm - Girls soccer at Coile
5:15pm - Boys soccer at Coile 
6:30-7:30pm Carnival Festival

Wednesday: Happy Valentine's Day! 
***SSIP Training (Various HIL faculty out)
*Vertical meetings will be next Wednesday!!!

***SSIP Training (Various HIL faculty out)

Housing Ceremony (afternoon activity schedule) 
2nd Period - UGA Literacy Mentors meet with 6th grade mentees in Media Center
2:58-3:08: Call each grade level one at a time to the new gym. Students will sit with their houses.

3:08-3:10: Call to order, admin welcome, etc

3:10-3: 40: Competitions for house points

Basketball shootout: One boy, one girl, and one teacher per house

Pop Culture Trivia: One boy, one girl, and one teacher per house

Academic competition: One boy, one girl, and one teacher per house 4 questions based on common core standards
Problem Solving competition: One boy, one girl, and 2 teachers per house must get across an obstacle course.

3:40: Announcements, bus changes, dismissal by grade level

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