Thursday, April 19, 2018

Week of April 23rd

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Happy Friday Teachers!

Thank you for a great week of testing. The learning environment was calm and all went extremely well for you and the students. Dr. Means expressed in an email to you how impressed he was with the environment! Great job and thank you for keeping Hilsman grounded this week. As we continue with testing, I want to encourage you to continue maintaining a positive school climate. Testing can cause a lot of anxiety for everyone. Please continue to push through until the end.

Mr. Gilbreath will meet with our staff during the May faculty meeting to discuss our transition to Gaines. I have confirmed room assignments and we all have a space. I will begin sharing your room numbers and arranging times for teams to visit the school for a tour. As of now, we are on schedule to move into Gaines early June. I suggest that you begin purging items to help make your packing a little easier. According to Mr. Gilbreath, boxes should be delivered within the next 10 days.

There are a lot of questions regarding scheduling for next year. I have not made any decisions other than we will return to teams next year. This was decided due to the overwhelming feedback you provided in the survey sent about a month ago. I have drafted some plans but nothing is concrete. I am waiting on a number of decisions to be made at the district level to avoid having to do double work. I would also like to have a better idea as to how we will implement AVID. Please know that I will not move or make any decisions related to your placement without personally speaking with you and consulting SILT. If you have concerns, please see me to avoid unnecessary worry!

I realize that this is the time of the year where we are all a little "extra" due to rising discipline issues, uncertainty about next year, and from working extra hard. Please know that I will answer any questions that I have the answers to for you. You are welcome to email and/or schedule a time to meet with me to discuss your concerns. As always, I appreciate the work that you do and your commitment to Hilsman. Here is to another great week of testing and a great weekend!

Ms. Tolbert

From Mr. Dorsey: 
Clarke County's Relay For Life event will take place at Cedar Shoals High School on May 11 from 6 pm - 12 am. Click the link below to join Hilsman's team and please feel free to share our team page with friends and family to help raise money for the American Cancer Society.
Also, please continue to support our team efforts and pay $5.00 to wear your jeans on Fridays! The RFL fundraising app also takes credit cards!

11am Instructional Leaders Meeting
2nd Planning - Kindness Challenge in the PL Room with Forker and Moore

Milestones EOG - Math Section I
6:30pm Spring PTO Meeting

Wednesday: Administrative Assistant's Day
Milestones EOG - Math Section II

8th Grade ONLY: Science
State FFA Competition

8th Grade ONLY: Social Studies
12:00pm SMART Team Coaching Session (Tolbert, Chester, Hogan, Rohrbach, Ward, Siegmund)
State FFA Competition


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