Thursday, January 3, 2019

January 7-11


From Principal Tolbert

Good afternoon Faculty and Staff!

I hope that you are doing well and had a moment to refresh, relax, and recharge! It is a new year. As with any new year, we make commitments to either begin something new, stop something old, or become more consistent with something that we want to continue! Tomorrow we will return to Hilsman to continue doing the work to make a difference in the life of a child. I want to ask that you take a moment and reflect on your "why". Your "why" is the purpose, cause, or belief that drives each one you! After revisiting your "why", think back on the commitment you made at the beginning of the school year related to the one thing that you pledged to do extraordinarily different to transform learning at Hilsman. Whatever your "why" is or that thing you pledged to do differently, please allow it to drive you into 5th gear as we plunge into the 3rd quarter of the year. WE must recommit to our "why" and take our teaching and professionalism to the next level. Pledge to do something new, remove the negativity, and continue being driven by your "why". We have 4 months left to do our BEST work! We can do it! Grab on and let's run the third leg of the race with all that we have! You deserve to see the fruit of your labor and most importantly, our students require our BEST work! 

Thank you to those that reported to work on December 21st! It was a peaceful work day and I appreciate the extra effort that you put in to prepare for the return of our students. It was good to work alongside many of you to review the collaborative planning protocol as well as to review the expectations for delivering rigorous and engaging instruction. The macro plans that I have reviewed are a great reflection of your work. Thank you! Remember if you reported on December 21st then you are not required to work tomorrow. However, if you did not report to work on December 21st, you are required to be present at work. I will send a copy of the presentations delivered for you to review. You are required to review the presentations. If you have any questions or concerns, please see Mrs. Holland or you are welcome to see me. 

As you work tomorrow, please be reminded that your grades are due no later than Tuesday at noon. This will allow Ms. Navarro and I time to a run the missing grade report as well as print the report cards. The date that report cards will be sent home will be provided to you by noon tomorrow. I will also include the date in my weekly blog for parents. Macro and weekly lesson plans will be reviewed over the weekend. Please ensure that they are completed and ready for review by 6:00 Friday afternoon. Standards, EQs, and daily presentations should be included in your lesson plans. Additionally, plan to reteach expectations to our students. They have been absent from the school structure and will need to be reminded of the expectations. Take the time to review and practice the PAWS Expectations with all of your classes every day next week. This will be important as we shift our gear for the remainder of the year! Remember they have to run the race with us and actually need to beat us to the finish line!

Lastly, I want to thank each of you for your work! I appreciate you and your commitment to teaching our students. I trust you to make decisions that are in the best interest of our students. Additionally, I will continue to hold us accountable for successfully finishing the race as we celebrate collectively along the way! I look forward to our return to Hilsman and a great rest of the year!

504/ IEP
Admin Meeting 10:30

RTI/ Branching Minds

Collaborative Planning
Gifted PL Makeup during second planning

Collaborative Planning
Biggum's BBQ Food Truck 
Basketball:   BHL @ HMS

School Climate Survey for students and teachers during lunch period
No fight Friday dress down
Fire Drill - 9:45am

Tuesday and Thursday: Agriscience Practice 7:15-8:00 and 4:00-5:00. Let Mrs. Martin know which practices you plan to attend. 

Panther Prowl 5K
Panther Prowl 5K has been scheduled for April 7 (More infot to come out soon)

I know it is far out...Maybe a good goal for those with fitness as a New Year's 

Our last home game of the season will be Thursday, January 10, 2019.  If anyone is available to help with the last game of the season,  please sign up on the google spreadsheet. For everyone that as already volunteered your time, The basketball coaching staff as well as I greatly appreciate all your time and hard work. 


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